Artichoke Thistle Spot Spraying
Embark on an environmental rescue mission as FMS employs precision-targeted drone technology to combat the invasive artichoke thistle in the Wyndham Grasslands—promising minimal herbicide use and negligible impact on native species.
Wyndham City Council
Wyndham Grasslands
Equipment Used
- DJI Agras T10
Licences and approvals
- Agricultural Aircraft Operator Licence (AAOL)
- Agricultural Chemical User Permit (ACUP)
Wyndham City Council is responsible for the management of the Wyndham Native Grasslands, an area in Little River dedicated to the preservation and restoration of some of Australia’s native grass species. The site is challenging thanks to a range of factors, including being highly degraded by overgrazing, being littered with rocks, and being covered with introduced plant species including African boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum Miers), serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma) and artichoke thistle (Cynara cardunculus L.). Access to the site is heavily restricted due to its former use as a Defence Force bombing range, with unexploded ordinance making the majority of the property inaccessible to vehicles.
Using the DJI Agras T10 and selecting individual artichoke thistles, all thistles in target areas were treated with targeted herbicide before flowering, halting the buildup of the weed seedbank in the native grasslands. Selective herbicide spray use was minimised, with negligible damage to non-target species.